World Human Forum: “Key Messages & Learnings from the 2nd New Eleusis Symposion”

Discovering the “Mysteries of Flourishing” From Ancient Roots to Modern Blossoms

2nd New Eleusis Symposion: 25-27 September, Key Messages and Learnings

The 2nd New Eleusis Symposion, themed “Mysteries of Flourishing,” was completed with great success on September 25-27 at the historic old paint factory, IRIS in Eleusis. The World Human Forum, in collaboration with Eleusis 2023 European Capital of Culture, brought together distinguished scientists, intellectuals, artists, academics, civil society representatives, and active citizens from various parts of the world to explore what “eudaimonia” means in the modern world and how we can approach it on both an individual and collective level.

Meaning of Flourishing:

Key Action Pillars:

Empowerment of the Local Community, Creative Policies, Shifting Mindsets

At the Symposium, three key pillars were highlighted through the methodology of the World Human Forum, which are interconnected and constitute an ongoing journey of empowerment and tangible results:

1. Community Level: World Human Forum’s approach as a “think and do tank” highlights the need to motivate citizens as advocates of change, specifically focusing on the active support of Eleusis’ local community in its journey of empowerment. This approach will continue to be a key priority for the New Eleusis Symposia.

2. Policy Influence: The aim of the symposium is to contribute creatively to strategies, practices, and policy planning,particularly at the intersection of technology and human well-being. One of our priorities is the design of regulatory frameworks to control algorithms that lead to screen addiction among young people. Additionally, exploring policies and practices relating to a flourishing end of life remains a significant focus on the New Eleusis Symposia’s agenda.

Moreover, drawing from recent findings in neuroaesthetics and neuroarts, we advocate for the use of arts and crafts as mental & physical therapeutic tools. These scientific insights highlight the therapeutic benefits of the arts, and our vision is to incorporate them into practices that promote eudaimonia (flourishing).

3. Shifting Mindsets: A core pillar of the World Human Forum’s activities is fostering a meaningful transformation of individual and collective mindset. From the outset, the goal has been to bring together a diverse group of people to highlight pioneering perspectives and approaches, essential for the new narrative that humanity needs. This transformative process remains a key part of our mission, and we will continue to support this shift toward the creation of a new ecological civilization.

At the Symposium, open minded participants, with creative thinking, experienced an innovative journey. This three-day event highlighted the power and energy of a place that, for 15 centuries through its mysteries, served as a center for the pursuit of eudaimonia and harmony between life, death, and co existence with ourselves, others, and nature. It also underscored the importance of this place in the present, with modern interpretations of eudaimonia that redefine ancestral values and practices, not only for Eleusis and Greece but for the entire modern world.

For those who were unable to attend the 2nd New Eleusis Symposion, the World Human Forum will soon make all the talks available on its official YouTube channel and website, allowing everyone to participate in this journey toward flourishing.

In September 2025, the World Human Forum willreturn with the 3rd International Symposium, once again at the”IRIS” venue, as well as in other iconic locations around the city, ensuring that Eleusis remains relevant and its legacy as a Cultural Capital of Europe stays alive.

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