Προσφέρουν εργασία


Eλληνικήβιομηχανία, με παρουσια στην αγορά για περισσότερο από 50 ετη, παράγει και εμπορεύεται καταναλωτικά προιόντα. Η εταιρεία έχειεπιτύχεινα εξάγει επιτυχώς σε ολες τις Ευρωπαικές χώρεςκυρίως μέσω των μεγάλων αλυσίδων.Οι προοπτικές ανάπτυξης της εταιρείας είναι ιδιαίτερα δυναμικές.

Σκοπός της θεσης του SALESEXPORTSMANAGERGERMANYείναι ηανάπτυξη των εμπορικών συμφωνιών στους μεγάλους λογαριασμούς και τους πελάτες λιανεμπορίου της Γερμανίας ώστε να επιτυγχάνονται οι στόχοι του τζίρου.

Η θέση έχει έδρα την Ελλάδα ,και θα πρέπει να ταξιδεύει στην Γερμανία, για περίπου 40-50% του χρόνου του. H θέση αναφέρεται στη γενική διεύθυνση της εταιρείας .

Οι κύριες αρμοδιότητες και στόχοι της θέσης είναι

  • Διαπραγματεύεται τους στόχους πωλήσεων για το σύνολο των προϊόντων σε κάθε λογαριασμό/πελάτη και είναι υπεύθυνος για την παρακολούθηση της κερδοφορίας ώστε κατά την διάρκεια του έτους να επεμβαίνει, όπου είναι απαραίτητο, με διορθωτικές ενέργειες. Προωθεί, παρακολουθεί και μεγιστοποιεί το mix των προϊόντων για κάθε λογαριασμό.
  • Ειναι υπεύθυνος για την μελέτη, συλλογή και ανάλυση όλων των απαραίτητων οικονομικών και ιστορικώνστοχείων τα οποία θα χρειαστεί με στόχο να διασφαλίσει την πλήρη προετοιμασία και κατ’ επέκταση επιτυχή διαπραγμάτευση απέναντι στον πελάτη.
  • Μελέτη των νέων ευκαιριών και περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη της αγοράς της Γερμανίας


α) Ο πελάτης μας αναζητά ανερχόμενα ικανά στελέχη που να έχουν στόχο να σταδιοδρομήσουν σε μία εταιρεία που στοχεύει στη συνεχή ανάπτυξη. Οι απαιτήσεις σε ποιότητα και ποσότητα εργασίας είναι μεγάλες καιη παρουσία εκτόςΕλλάδος 40-50% του χρόνου.

β) Απαιτούνται ικανότητες όπως εμπορική νοοτροπία, ηγεσία ομάδας, αναλυτική και συνθετική σκέψη, δυναμισμός/δραστηριότητα, επικοινωνία/συνεργασία σε όλα τα επίπεδα, γνώση συστημάτων και οργάνωσης.

γ) Θα πρέπει να έχετε συνολικήεμπειρία8-12 έτη, στις πωλήσεις ως ΚΑΜ η ΝΑΜ,με επιτυχημένη εμπειρίαστις πωλήσεις σε μεγάλουςλογαριασμούς, και είστε έτοιμος /έτοιμη να αναλάβετε την θέση του Διευθυντού Πωλήσεων.

Εργασιακή εμπειρία στη Γερμανία η γενικότερα εμπειρία εκτος Ελλάδος θα εκτιμηθει ιδιαιτέρως.

δ)Πτυχίο / μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές είναι πολύ σημαντικές

ε) Οιάριστες γνώσεις των Γερμανικώνόπως και των Αγγλικών είναι απολύτως απαραίτητες.

Οι αποδοχές και παροχές της θέσης είναι πολύ ανταγωνιστικές. Οι δε προοπτικές εξέλιξης της καριέρας σας άριστες.

σας παρακαλούμε στείλετε το βιογραφικό σαςστην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση recruit@otenet.gr, το οποίο θα χειριστούμε με κάθε εμπιστευτικότητα


IT-Berater (ref: ITB/12/13),

Bern, Schweiz

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com) ist ein führendes, international tätiges Unternehmen im Bereich Software­entwicklung und Informations- und Kommunikations­technologien (IuK). Unter Einsatz von integrierten, führenden Technologien konzipieren, entwickeln und unterstützen wir IT-Applikationen.

Wir suchen einen IT-Berater oder eine IT-Beraterin, die/der nach einer Einschulung bereit ist, unsere Kunden vor Ort zu beraten und zu unterstützen.

Ihr Aufgabengebiet:

  • Konzept und Begleitung von Umsetzung von web-basierten IT-Systemen
  • Dokumentation und Schulung
  • Berichterstattung und Kommunikation mit Kunden und Projektteam
  • Support und Unterstützung bei Wartung

Ihr Profil:

  • Informatik-Ausbildung (vorzugsweise Studium)
  • Interesse an Software-Entwicklung
  • Kenntnisse von UML erwünscht
  • Erfahrung mit web-basierten IT-Systemen
  • Erfahrung mit Java EE und relationalen Datenbank von Vorteil
  • Deutsch fließend in Wort und Schrift
  • Gute Englischkenntnisse, Französisch von Vorteil
  • Reisebereitschaft
  • Motiviert, flexibel, analytisch, kommunikativ, ergebnisorientiert und belastbar

Unser Angebot:

Suchen Sie eine Karriere in einem dynamischen und multikulturellen Unternehmen voller Herausforderungen, das Sie in Ihrer Weiterentwicklung unterstützt? – Dann möchten wir Sie gerne kennenlernen!

Bewerben Sie sich und schicken Sie uns Ihren ausführlichen Lebenslauf unter Angabe der Referenz ITB/12/13 an:hr-de@eurodyn.com

Eine attraktive Vergütung – bei entsprechender Qualifikation und Erfahrung – runden unser Angebot ab.


Die neue DaF Fachberaterin des Bundesverwaltungsamts in Athen, Cornelia Last-Wyka, sucht möglichst ab Mitte Januar 2014 einen freundlichen Menschen, der ihr von Zeit zu Zeit auf Honorarbasis bei Übersetzungen Deutsch-Griechisch zur Seite steht. Ihre Aufgabe wird es sein, Deutschprogramme an griechischen Schulen zu stützen, Fortbildungen für Deutschlehrer anzubieten sowie interessierten Schulen das Deutsche Sprachdiplom, eine Deutschprüfung, anzubieten. Daher werden sich die Übersetzungen um das Thema Schule, Unterricht, Prüfungen und Ähnliches drehen. Später könnten -nach Absprache – auch Dolmetschertätigkeiten sowie Sekretariatsaufgaben (im geringen Umfang) dazukommen.

Ich freue mich über jeden Interessenten. Rufen Sie mich einfach an bei Rückfragen und/oder Interesse oder mailen Sie mir: lw0160@googlemail.com“>lw0160@googlemail.com<;mailto:lw0160@googlemail.com> Festnetz: 0049/221/7581441.

Cornelia Last-Wyka


Η εταιρία ARXIKON S.A. αναζητά προσωπικό για τη στελέχωση κτηριακού έργου στο Μόναχο.

Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι για τις κάτωθι θέσεις μπορούν να επικοινωνήσουν με τον κ. Μαραλέτο μέσω e-mail: lmaraletos@arxikon.gr ή τηλεφωνικά στο 210 7475922:

1. Θέση Πολιτικού Μηχανικού

Ελληνική κατασκευαστική εταιρεία με έδρα την Αθήνα, η οποία υλοποίει κτηριακά έργα στην Γερμανία, ζητά για άμεση στελέχωση εργοταξίου της Πολ. Μηχανικό (ΑΕΙ). Απαραίτητη: η εργοταξιακή εμπειρία στην Γερμανία τουλάχιστον 5 ετών σε κτηριακά έργα, γνώση AUTOCAD, OFFICE και η γνώση της γερμανικής γλώσσας.

2. Θέση Μηχανολόγου Μηχανικού

Ελληνική κατασκευαστική εταιρεία με έδρα την Αθήνα, η οποία υλοποίει κτηριακά έργα στην Γερμανία, ζητά για άμεση στελέχωση εργοταξίου της Μηχανολόγο ή Ηλεκτρολόγο Μηχανικό (ΑΕΙ). Απαραίτητη: η εργοταξιακή εμπειρία στην Γερμανία τουλάχιστον 5 ετών σε κτηριακά έργα, γνώση AUTOCAD, OFFICE και η γνώση της γερμανικής γλώσσας.

3. Θέση Εργοδηγού Κτηριακών Έργων

Ελληνική κατασκευαστική εταιρεία με έδρα την Αθήνα, η οποία υλοποιεί κτηριακά έργα στην Γερμανία, ζητά για άμεση στελέχωση εργοταξίου της Εργοδηγό Κτηριακών Έργων Απαραίτητη: η εργοταξιακή εμπειρία στην Γερμανία τουλάχιστον 10 ετών και η γνώση της γερμανικής γλωσσάς.

4. Θέση Βοηθού Λογιστηρίου

Ελληνική κατασκευαστική εταιρεία με έδρα την Αθήνα, η οποία υλοποίει κτηριακά έργα στην Γερμανία, ζητά για άμεση στελέχωση βοηθό λογιστηρίου για πλήρωση θέσης στην Γερμανία. Απαραίτητα: εμπειρία στην υποστήριξη λογιστηρίου, εμπειρία στην γραμματειακή υποστήριξη, άριστη γνώση γερμανικών, γνώση υπολογιστών. Επιθυμητή εργασιακή εμπειρία στην Γερμανία.


Sales Manager – Energy, Resources & Marine, Greece

Reporting to


Director of Sales & Program Management, Greece

Sales, Greece



  1. Clients or targeted Energy, Resources and Marine (Maritime) related prospects in Greece.





Main internal contacts

Main external contacts

Greek leadership team incl. Country General Manager, Sales & Program Manager, Finance, Traveler Services, Meetings & Events and IT, Costing & Pricing EMEA, Global Program Management team EMEA, Global Energy, Resources & Marine and Country Sales and Program management team members in EMEA

Category managers, Travel Managers, Crew Managers, Travel arrangers, Management Consultants, Purchasers and procurement specialists on national level. Senior executives within prospect accounts.

Main objective / Context

The Sales Manager’s main objective is to lead and/or support initiatives to meet the annual growth targets established for Energy, Resources & Marine organisation in Greece and associated industry supplier organisations

for more information please call: 302106124300


Ζητείται Νοσηλευτικό προσωπικό για Γηριατρικά Νοσοκομεία στην Γερμανία. Προϋπόθεση γνώση Γερμανικών επιπέδου Β2 και πτυχίο Νοσηλευτικής από AEI, ΤΕΙ, ΙΕΚ κτλ. Μισθός από 1500€ έως 3000€ τον μήνα συν υπερωρίες. Ο μισθός μπορεί να φτάσει και τα 3500€ ανάλογα με την εξειδίκευση. Πλήρης ασφάλεια με συνταξιοδοτικό. Αποστολή βιογραφικού (π.χ. Europass CV) με φωτογραφία, στα Γερμανικά στο mail: qpluslimited@yahoo.com. Τηλ. επικοινωνίας: 306936800008.


Η HEADWAY – ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΟΙ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΟΛΟΓΟΙ Ε.Π.Ε., εταιρεία παροχής συμβουλευτικών υπηρεσιών, ζητεί για τη στελέχωση μιας νεοϊδρυθείσας εταιρείας παροχής τουριστικών υπηρεσιών έναν/μια υπεύθυνο TRAVELCOORDINATOR για την επικοινωνία και τη διαχείριση των προμηθευτών, καθώς και τη δημιουργία και υλοποίηση ταξιδιωτικών προτάσεων και εκδηλώσεων.

Απαραίτητα προσόντα

  • Πτυχίο ΑΕΙ, κατά προτίμηση σε τομέα επικοινωνίας, μάρκετινγκ ή διοίκησης επιχειρήσεων
  • Τουλάχιστον 3 χρόνια προϋπηρεσία στη διοργάνωση εκδηλώσεων, συνεδρίων και το hospitalitymanagement
  • Εμπειρία στη διοργάνωση ταξιδιών
  • Άριστη γνώση της αγγλικής γλώσσας (στον γραπτό αλλά και τον προφορικό λόγο)
  • Πολύ καλή γνώση του MSOffice
  • Διαπραγματευτικές και οργανωτικές ικανότητες
  • Έμφαση στην ποιότητα
  • Ευελιξία και υπευθυνότητα
  • Ευχάριστη προσωπικότητα
  • Άριστη ικανότητα στην επικοινωνία

Αποστολή βιογραφικού με πρόσφατη φωτογραφία στο tour@headway.gr.


Business Analyst

Ref: BA/10/13, Stockholm, Sweden

With expertise in gathering business requirements in UML, CASE Tools and Agile.

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS(www.eurodyn.com)is a leading European Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, Valetta, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using integrated, state-of-the-art technology. Our current IT and telecoms projects have a value exceeding 250 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations all over Europe.

We currently have a vacancy for a Business Analyst fluent in English, to offer his/her services as an expert who will be based in Stockholm. The work will be carried out either in the company’s premises or on site at the customer premises. In the context of the first assignment, the successful candidate will be integrated in the Development team of the company that will closely cooperate with a major client’s IT team on site.

Your tasks:

  • Gather document and prioritize the business requirements;
  • Maintain functional and non-functional documentation for the applications;
  • Model, analyse, and improve business processes;
  • Perform business data modelling and stakeholders’ analysis;
  • Develop use cases and assist in developing test cases;
  • Analyse information sharing and content process workflows;
  • User training and support the business owners to prepare the necessary training and training material;
  • Contribute and validate the functional testing and the design of new functionalities.

Your skills:

  • University degree with minimum 4 years of experience in IT or non-University degree with minimum 6 years experience in IT;
  • Minimum 2 years experience in gathering and analysing functional and non-functional requirements;
  • Extensive experience in process and business data modelling;
  • Extensive experience in writing technical and user documentation;
  • Experience with UML, Agile development processes and CASE tools (i.e Sparx Enterprise Architect);
  • Knowledge of MS SharePoint MOSS 2010 and MS Team Foundation Server (TFS) is an asset;
  • Excellent command of English, both written and oral.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting and dynamic company, where you will offer your services as part of a team of a major European Institution, operating in an international, multilingual and multicultural environment where you can expect real chances to make a difference, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (BA/10/13), to the following e-mail address: careers@eurodyn.com.

We offer a competitive remuneration (either on contract basis or remuneration with full benefits package), based on qualifications and experience.

All applications will be treated as confidential.


Die Amos Comenius Schule Aachen, ein privates Gymnasium mit Standort in Aachen, Deutschland, sucht Lehrkräfte für die Fächer Mathematik, Philosophie, Latein, Kunst, Musik und Physik, die die Erlaubnis haben an einem Gymnasium zu unterrichten und Abschlussprüfungen (Abitur) abzunehmen. Voraussetzung für eine Anstellung ist die Beherrschung der deutschen Sprache in Wort und Schrift sowie die formale akademische und praktische Ausbildung als Lehrer oder diplomierte Fachwissenschaftler. Die Einstellung erfolgt nach dem Tarifvertrag Land für NRW. Bewerber, die die Voraussetzungen erfüllen, wenden sich mit einer schriftlichen Bewerbung mit allen relevanten Unterlagen und Zeugnissen an: Amos Comenius Schule, Händelstr. 10, 52074 Aachen, Deutschland oder an amos-comenius-schule@gmx.de. Telefonische Auskunft vorab unter 0049 241 4017882.



Athens or Thessaloniki, Greece

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading European Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Rome, Copenhagen, Berlin, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, Valetta, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using integrated, state-of-the-art technology. Our current IT projects have a value exceeding 250 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations all over Europe.

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is looking to recruit in Athens or Thessaloniki a JAVA WEB DEVELOPER.


– Design and Development of Web-based applications;

– Creating / maintaining applications for internet / intranet environments;

– Development of front-end and back-end systems.


– University Degree in Computer Science or related field;

– Strong analytical capabilities, team- and quality-oriented, keen to learn and excel;

– Experience in Java Programming;

– Working experience 2 years and above;

– Experience in JSE/JEE, HTML 4/5, jQuery/Kendo UI or equivalent ;

– Experience with any of the following technologies is considered a strong asset: OSGi, Orbeon Forms, Drools, jBPM ;

– German and/or French is considered an asset.

Our offer: If you are seeking a career in an exciting, dynamic and multicultural international environment with exciting opportunities that will boost your career, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (ref: JWD/09/13) to the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com

We offer an extremely competitive remuneration and benefits package, based on qualifications and experience.

All applications will be treated as confidential.

You may also consider other open requests on our web site (www.eurodyn.com)


Junior Java Web Developer (ref: JJWD/09/13)

Athens / Thessaloniki, Greece

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading European Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Rome, Copenhagen, Berlin, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, Valetta, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using integrated, state-of-the-art technology. Our current IT projects have a value exceeding 250 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations all over Europe.

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is looking to recruit in Thessaloniki a Junior Java WebDeveloper.


  • Development of Web-based applications, for internet / intranet environments.


  • University Degree in Computer Science, or Software Engineering;
  • Strong analytical capabilities, team- and quality-oriented, keen to learn and excel;
  • Very good understanding of Java EE Architecture and Enterprise Web applications;
  • Experience in Java Programming technologies: J2EE, XML, XSLT, HTML, JQuery, JSP, Servlets, Struts, EJB, Hibernate, Spring, SQL;
  • Excellent command of English.

Our offer: If you are seeking a career in an exciting, dynamic and multicultural international environment with exciting opportunities that will boost your career, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (ref: JJWD/09/13) to the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com

We offer an extremely competitive remuneration and benefits package, based on qualifications and experience.

All applications will be treated as confidential.

You may also consider other open requests on our web site (www.eurodyn.com)


Business Objects Analyst- Developer (BOXI, ETL, Oracle) fluent in French

(ref: BO/09/13) Brussels, Belgium

With expertise in Business Objects XI, Business Intelligence, SAS-ETL, SQL, Oracle, UML and RUP Methodology.

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading European Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, Valetta, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using integrated, state-of-the-art technology. Our current IT and telecoms projects have a value exceeding 250 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations all over Europe.

We currently have a vacancy for a Business Objects Analyst fluent in French, to offer his/her services as an expert who will be based in Brussels, Belgium. The work will be carried out either in the company’s premises or on site at customer premises. In the context of the first assignment, the successful candidate will be integrated in the Data Warehouse team team of the company that will closely cooperate with a major client’s IT team on site.

Your tasks:

  • Analysis of business and user requirements and modelling of information systems;
  • Data analysis and data modelling;
  • Drafting specifications and development of reporting facilities with Business Objects XI (BOXI);
  • Analysis and implementation of data extraction using SAS-ETL;
  • Prototyping, following-up developments and elaborating test programs;
  • Drafting and maintenance of applications that reflect specifications;
  • Administration of the BOXI environment, definition and integration of technological components and applications;
  • Provision of assistance in training the administrators/users and with the deployment and configuration of the system;
  • Provision of 2nd level support.

Your skills:

  • University degree with minimum 2 years experience in IT or non University degree with minimum 4 years in IT;
  • Minimum 3 years of experience with Business intelligence and development of data warehouse systems using multi –user SQL based databases, preferably Oracle;
  • Minimum 1 year experience in analysis and programming;
  • Proven experience in development of reports and administration of Business Objects XI (Desktop Intelligence, Web Intelligence Rich Client, BO Designer, Administration Management Console);
  • Good knowledge of data extraction using SAS-ETL and in relational databases;
  • Working experience with UML, XML, RUP, Oracle 11g, PL/SQL, SQL Developer and Toad;
  • Excellent command of English and French and ability to participate in multi-lingual meetings (FR-EN).

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting and dynamic company, where you will offer your services as part of a team of a major European Institution, operating in an international, multilingual and multicultural environment where you can expect real chances to make a difference, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (BO/09/13), to the following e-mail address: careers@eurodyn.com.

We offer a competitive remuneration (either on contract basis or remuneration with full benefits package), based on qualifications and experience. All applications will be treated as confidential. You may also consider all our other open vacancies by visiting the career section of our web site (www.eurodyn.com) and follow us on Twitter (@EURODYN_Careers).


JAVA WEB DEVELOPER fluent in German (ref: JWD/07/13)

Athens or Thessaloniki, Greece

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading European Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Rome, Copenhagen, Berlin, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, Valetta, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using integrated, state-of-the-art technology. Our current IT projects have a value exceeding 250 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations all over Europe.

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is looking to recruit in Athens or Thessaloniki a JAVA WEB DEVELOPER with good knowledge of German.


– Design and Development of Web-based applications;

– Creating / maintaining applications for internet / intranet environments;

– Development of front-end and back-end systems.


– University Degree in Computer Science or related field;

– Strong analytical capabilities, team- and quality-oriented, keen to learn and excel;

– Experience in Java Programming;

– Working experience 2 years and above;

– Experience in at least two of the following technologies: JEE, JSP, JSF, Servlets, EJB, Spring, ESB, XML, XSLT, SQL, RDBMS;

– German and English; French is considered an asset.

Our offer: If you are seeking a career in an exciting, dynamic and multicultural international environment with exciting opportunities that will boost your career, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (ref: JWD/07/13) to the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com

We offer an extremely competitive remuneration and benefits package, based on qualifications and experience.

All applications will be treated as confidential.

You may also consider other open requests on our web site (www.eurodyn.com)


Microsoft Analyst Programmer

(ref: MAP/09/13) Athens, Greece

With expertise in the analysis and development of web-based applications in .NET

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS www.eurodyn.com is a leading European Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, Valetta, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using integrated, state-of-the-art technology. Our current IT and telecoms projects have a value exceeding 250 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations all over Europe.

We currently have a vacancy for a Microsoft Analyst Programmer, to work as an expert at the premises of the company in Athens. Responsibilities will include:

  • Design and Development of web-based applications and databases;
  • Collection, consolidation, analysis, and systematic presentation of user requirements, for the implementation of web-based software applications;
  • Data analysis and modeling;
  • Elaboration of functional and non-functional specifications, using state of the art software tools and UML methodology;
  • Preparation, elaboration, and support of all levels of web application testing and re-factoring;
  • Corrective and evolutive maintenance of the applications;
  • Preparation of Technical and Progress Reporting;
  • Delivery of presentations, system demonstrations, and functional trainings for end-users.

Required Qualifications:

  • University degree in Computer Science, with 4 years of working experience;
  • Excellent knowledge and experience in C#, ASP.NET (VB.NET), SQL, XML;
  • Experience in development of web-based applications using modern Microsoft tools and technologies;
  • Good understanding of Software / Systems Engineering principles;
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.

Desired Qualifications:

  • Experience in installing / configuring / customising / developing for MS SharePoint Server 2007 and/or 2010;
  • Excellent knowledge of MS Office and experience with ITIL, UML, and RUP methodologies;
  • Experience in conducting user requirement analysis missions;
  • Excellent presentation skills;
  • Excellent interpersonal and team working skills;
  • Previous experience in IT projects with major public or private organizations;

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting, dynamic and multicultural international environment with exciting opportunities that will boost your career, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (ref: MAP/09/13) to the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com

We offer an extremely competitive remuneration and benefits package, based on qualifications and experience.

All applications will be treated as confidential.



EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (www.eurodyn.com)is a leading European Software, Information and Communication Technologies provider operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Berlin, Berne, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Helsinki, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using integrated, state-of-the-art technology. Our current IT and telecoms projects have a value exceeding 200 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations all over Europe.

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (ED) wishes to employ a BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER / IT CONSULTANT (BDEITC/13/09), to provide his/her services in the company’s headquarters in Athens. The candidate will participate in the company’s business and marketing actions in various international markets and the preparation of high quality technical bids.

The ideal candidate will, among other things:

  • Master the area of IT services, e-government in particular, and understand the business of the company (www.eurodyn.com);
  • Understand completely the requirements of ED’s clients (mainly government and public sector organisations in Europe);
  • Assist the development of relations with customers and partnerships with other companies internationally;
  • Assess business opportunities internationally;
  • Manage the preparation of technical bids (coordination of internal staff);
  • Prepare technical documents, tenders and marketing material;
  • Visit customers and make presentations;
  • Support the company’s profitability targets and measures.

Educational Requirements:

  • University Degree in IT / Computer Science or Engineering;
  • Post-graduate degree or PhD in IT / Computer Science or related area will be highly appreciated.

Experience Requirements:

  • 1-4 years of experience in IT;
  • Solid background in IT (ideally also in e-government) and very good knowledge of the state of the art;
  • Very good technical writing skills;
  • Knowledge of the government sector and European / international organisations will be appreciated.

Linguistic Requirements:

  • Fluency in English is compulsory;
  • Good knowledge of French and/or German or other EU languages will be highly appreciated.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting, dynamic and multicultural international environment with exciting opportunities that will boost your career, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (BDEITC/13/09) to the following e-mail address: hr@eurodyn.com

We offer an extremely competitive remuneration and benefits package, based on qualifications and experience.

All applications will be treated as confidential.

You may also want to consider other open requests on our web site (www.eurodyn.com)


JAVA Engineer/Developer (Spring/JMS/EXTJS)

(ref:JED/08/13), Luxembourg

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS(www.eurodyn.com)is a leading European Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Alicante, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, Valetta, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using integrated, state-of-the-art technology. Our current IT and telecoms projects have a value exceeding 250 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations all over Europe.

We currently have a vacancy for a JAVA Engineer/Developer, fluent in English and French to offer his/her services as an expert who will be based in Luxembourg. The work will be carried out either in the company’s premises or on site at the customer premises. In the context of the first assignment, the successful candidate will be integrated in the Development team of the company that will closely cooperate with a major client’s IT team on site.

Tasks description:

  • Analysis and development of document and workflow systems;
  • Development of frameworks and interface based design;
  • Integration with other applications and production of technical documentation;
  • Assistance with the deployment and configuration of the systems;
  • Assistance with training of administrators and end users.

Your skills:

  • University degree in Software Engineering or Computer Science with at least 8 years of work experience in IT;
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in development using JAVA/J2EE techologies and tools such as JPA, JMS, Javascript, Hibernate and Spring (Spring MVC, Spring JMS and Spring Integration);
  • Knowledge of software design patterns and UML design;
  • Know-how of Oracle 10g/11, MySQL, Jboss, Tomcat, Eclipse, Maven and Jenkins is mandatory;
  • Experience with user interface technologies such as HTML, HTTP, JavaScript, Ajax, JSP, JSTL, ExtJS 4 and GWT is essential;
  • Knowledge of Test Driven Development, JUnit tests and logging frameworks is of high importance;
  • Experience HTML5 and Web 2.0 is an asset;
  • Knowledge of architecture design, iText and Apache reporting tools, Enterprise Service Bus, software development lifecycle and methodologies, applied usage of Agile, SCRUM methodologies and Prince2 is beneficial;
  • Strong familiarity with XML, XSD and XSLT transformation and design and familiarity with XML parsers is considered an asset;
  • Experience in the design and development of Web 2.0 CAT tools (Computer Aided Translation) would be ideal;
  • Excellent command of English and French.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting and dynamic company, where you will offer your services as part of a team of a major European Institution, operating in an international, multilingual and multicultural environment where you can expect real chances to make a difference, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (JED/08/13), to the following e-mail address: careers@eurodyn.com.

We offer an extremely competitive remuneration and benefits package, based on qualifications and experience.

All applications will be treated as confidential.

You may also consider all our other open vacancies by visiting the career section of our web site (www.eurodyn.com) and follow us on Twitter (@EURODYN_Careers).


Business Process Analyst (ARIS design platform, BPMN)

(ref: BPA/08/13)


EUROPEAN DYNAMICS(www.eurodyn.com)is a leading European Software, Information and Communication Technologies company, operating internationally (Athens, Brussels, Luxembourg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Alicante, Stockholm, London, Nicosia, Helsinki, Valetta, etc). The company employs over 500 engineers and IT experts. We design and develop software applications using integrated, state-of-the-art technology. Our current IT and telecoms projects have a value exceeding 250 million EURO. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is a renowned supplier of IT services to European Union Institutions, international organizations, European Agencies and national government Administrations all over Europe.

We currently have a vacancy for a Business Process Analyst, fluent in English and French, to offer his/her services as an expert who will be based in Luxembourg. The work will be carried out either in the company’s premises or on site at customer premises. In the context of the first assignment, the successful candidate will be integrated into the Project Management team of the company that will closely cooperate with a major client’s IT team on site.

Your tasks:

  • Gathering of use cases and requirements from document analysis, workshops, surveys, process description, task and workflow analysis;
  • Interpretation of business needs into application and operational requirements;
  • Modelling and design of business processes in ARIS environment;
  • Production of technical documentation.

Your skills:

  • Minimum 12 years of combined relevant University Studies and Experience in IT;
  • Minimum 6 years experience in Business Process Modelling/Management;
  • Strong professional background as an Analyst, ideally with the use of ARIS design platform, UML and BPMN;
  • Proven experience with architecture design using SOA or MVC patterns;
  • Knowledge of issue tracking JIRA and experience in CAT (Computer Aided Translation) workflow systems will be considered an asset;
  • Excellent command of English and French.

Our offer:

If you are seeking a career in an exciting and dynamic company, where you will offer your services as part of a team of a major European Institution, operating in an international, multilingual and multicultural environment where you can expect real chances to make a difference, please send us your detailed CV in English, quoting reference: (BPA/08/13), to the following e-mail address: careers@eurodyn.com.

We offer an extremely competitive remuneration and benefits package, based on qualifications and experience.

All applications will be treated as confidential.

You may also consider all our other open vacancies by visiting the career section of our web site (www.eurodyn.com) and follow us on Twitter (@EURODYN_Careers).


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